Hey babe,


Your Nutrition & Mindset Coach, helping you lose weight without the food restrictions & ditch the yo-yo diets…

To help you create food freedom, have a dreamy relationship with food and bring the joy back to food & your life!


About me...

I am ridiculously passionate about educating women on nutrition and how weight loss actually works…to get them away from diet culture & the toxic dieting methods that have kept them stuck in yo-yo dieting for years.

I help you ditch the fad diets, the restrictive eating/binge cycles, get rid of food guilt, create healthy eating habits, lose weight healthily & sustainably, whilst giving you a deep education on nutrition to leave you feeling empowered to make confident food choices in your life.


My story…

I spent most of my early adult life obsessing over food and my body, trying every fad diet under the sun. Being stuck in cycles of negative eating behaviours, constantly feeling confused about the misinformation coming from the diet & nutrition space. 

“Carbs are bad for you, cut out carbs so you don’t get fat…but then too much fat makes you fat?! Don’t eat after 6pm…don’t eat until lunchtime”, the list of BS goes on. No wonder we live in a world where so many of us don’t trust food - who and what do we believe?

No diets worked for me long term, I was in a constant binge/restrict cycle and had a very unhealthy relationship with food and my body. I’d skip social events fearing I would put on weight for going out for a pizza and wine. Then if I did go out I’d be riddled with guilt the day after. It was a continuous miserable cycle.

I so desperately wanted to know how to eat well to manage my weight in a healthy way whilst not sacrificing my social life. But being misled by so much bullshit from the health, fitness & nutrition industry left me always back at square one.

This led me to have a real fascination & passion for nutrition, so I got qualified as a Certified Nutrition Coach.

Firstly, to learn everything there is to know nutrition, to heal my relationship with food and learn to trust food again.

Secondly, because I want to help other women with this too. I get so much happiness from teaching people about nutrition, seeing them change their mindset and relationship with food, and go on healthy and sustainable weight loss journeys.

It is now my mission to help other women with this.


My bespoke 1:1 Coaching...

My bespoke 1:1 weight loss programme The Anti-Restriction Method™ helps women lose weight AND keep it off (…without the miserable restrictive dieting!)

I know you’re so sick of going round in circle with fad diets and want to ditch the toxic dieting methods that are all you know. And live a life where you feel relaxed around food and no longer fear socials.

So let’s get you started on a weight loss journey that will be the last one you do…because we’re about to teach you how to lose weight in a way that lasts and FEELS GOOD!

  • "Charlie has changed my relationship with food and exercise beyond recognition. Before I have tried KETO, Slimming World, Fasting, shake diets, and extreme gym sessions in a bid to lose weight. Unsurprisingly none of these have worked long term and I knew I needed to do something that would educate me, and help me see a way forward. I have a big family event at the end of this Summer and I want to enjoy it, and not worry about my wobbly bits in a bikini. Charlie educated me about food, fitness, and we went back to basics. I needed to remove all of the false truths I had held close to me for years... avocados are high fat, after a night out I need to go to the gym for 2 hours, HIIT is my only friend, weights make me bulky, pasta/bread/potatoes are bad. I had a lot that we had to dispel. Slowly I started to understand how to fuel my body, protein is important, I can live my life and enjoy food, whilst losing weight and toning up. It's been life changing. I've lifted weights, I've walked - listened to podcasts, I've eaten avocados, I've had wine, I've enjoyed pasta (I KNOW), and I've had weekends away & still been able to lose weight and tone up. I'm beyond thrilled with my results, and I'm so thankful to Charlie - you have changed my life. Thank you so much!"

    - Natalie

  • "Charlie is a very knowledgeable & inspiring person! Her enthusiasm for health and wellbeing is very motivating and she guides you every step of your journey. It was so lovely having her encourage me as she is very motivational, but also helps you to understand that this is a life changing exercise rather than a quick fix fad diet. The information she passes is very valuable in helping you change bad habits forever."

    - Sophia

  • “I've always had a difficult relationship with food, starving myself, bingeing, overeating, silly fad diets and generally never been in a place where I feel settled. Working with Charlie has opened my eyes to a new world with food and helped me to start to carve a new healthier relationship with something that's been my vice and enemy for my entire life. She is so open, so supportive and gives you the most personable approach to her coaching. She cares so much about taking the time to motivate and educate you. I couldn't recommend her enough.”

    - Abby




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